IT Specialist
Application development or digital networking

Training period: 3 years

IT specialists work in all areas of computer science and information technology. Their field of application is broad. In order to keep pace with technological change and new fields of activity such as Big Data, robotics, Industry 4.0, cyber-physical systems and IT in products, the profession has been modernized and divided into several specializations.
IT security and data protection are a comprehensive part of the training. Progressive networking through the Internet of Things, online commerce, Big Data and cloud computing harbors many security risks and requires constant adaptation of security measures. The demand for experts is correspondingly high.

In the electronics department within the training center, IT specialists learn the basic information technology skills in the environment of other trainees before they are then welcomed to the department by the responsible training officer and integrated into the realistic processes and customer-related tasks.
PREREQUISITES for both specializations include a good understanding of mathematics, logical and analytical thinking skills, and an understanding of information technology. Equally important are team spirit, a good demeanor and communication, as well as creativity and the ability to concentrate.

POSSIBILITIES FOR FURTHER EDUCATION: Master Information Technician, Computer Science Technician; Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.).

IT specialists specializing in application development develop software solutions. They design and implement them according to customer requirements and translate their ideas into programs. Accordingly, they inform and advise customers. They also ensure the quality of software applications.


PLACES OF APPLICATION: our IT specialists in application development are, among other things, in digitization in the development and securing of applications for end customers or in programming.

OPPORTUNITIES FOR ADVANCEMENT: Project/team management as well as specialization in process organization, software development or digitization.

IT specialists specializing in digital networking work at the interfaces between network components and cyber-physical systems and are true "Industry 4.0ers". They are also out and about in production, networking industrial production systems and enabling or monitoring the transfer of data from the machines. They also ensure system availability.


PLACES OF APPLICATION: our IT specialists in digital networking are active, among other things, in IT data and network security, in monitoring systems and processes, the firewall and also in the entire network infrastructure.

OPPORTUNITIES FOR ADVANCEMENT: Project/team management as well as specialization in network technology, IT security or in networking manufacturing plants with data analysis.

We have outlined how we handle incoming applications and the steps an applicant goes through on the entry page for students and school leavers.