INDEX Webinar: „Industry 4.0 –
Connecting your future with INDEX iX4.0“

INDEX y Maquitec le invita a participar a este webinar el día
martes, 14 de julio de 09:00 a.m. a 10:00 a.m. (CDT)
Katharina Kantel Andreas Heier
Especialista de Digitalización @INDEX Gerente Regional @INDEX
¡Regístrate Aquí!
Powermail Element
- Concept of the INDEX IoT-Platform
- Short overview of the applications
- EquipmentApps
- StatusApps
- ConditionApps
- JobApps
- Connectivity à connecting the machines to the cloud
- The applications in detail
- iX4.0 go – the easy way to get started
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